Couple Conceives Baby to Get Those Sweet, Sweet Facebook Likes

Man holding flower over pregnant woman's stomach and they are both looking at the camera

TONTITOWN, AR – Lovebirds Jeremy and Anna Dansby recently struck a pose in a photo to announce their future spawn to the social media world. The image received 328 likes, 170 love, 28 wow, 1 laugh, 1 angry, and zero sad reactions. The angry reactor was reportedly someone from high school that never really liked Anna but they’re still Facebook friends somehow.

When asked why she would go to such lengths to get likes, Anna responded “well, you see, I’ve already used up all the other traditionally big-hit posts. I’ve already got my permit, graduated high school, graduated college, traveled abroad, went skydiving, had my birthday, got married, got my job, and met a celebrity, so getting pregnant was really the next big event where I could get my average likes-per-post up. That’s what’s really important. That, and a low following-to-followers ratio on Twitter and Instagram. We still have delivery-day-likes, monthly-picture-update-likes, and first-words-likes to look forward to, so we’re excited for that.”