Chris Christie Blocks Another Bridge to Remind People He Still Exists

A caricature of Chris Christie blocking a bridge. His neck fat is exaggerated, and he is holding two traffic cones. He is huge compared to a normal human, like Paul Bunyon sized. There is a road closed traffic sign in front of the bridge.
"Chris Christie - Cone Warrior" (CC BY 2.0) by DonkeyHotey

FORT LEE, NJ – New Jersey governor and guy who stole your lunch out of the fridge but says he didn’t Chris Christie, has shut down another bridge after being completely forgotten by the media after his loss to Donald Trump for the White House. “I miss the attention” Christie stated. “I have important things to say. I’m important goddamn it! Also, this is what the new Jersey people wanted. They told me. They want to hear about me because they love me. It’s really that simple”.

It is reported that Christie is planning to shut down a nursing home in the future.